Sunday, 13 April 2014

The case for learning objects

[Activity 5]

Read Downes (2001), Learning objects: resources for distance education worldwide

This article is highlighting the benefits of reusable learning objects. It's a little old now (July 2001) and SCORM, although still in popular use, is not the only option (I believe... need to check).

The discussion centres around what is now really known as the Agile software development methodology to ensure rapid development and deployment that meets needs.

The rest of the discussion really centred on the use of XML. Discussion on the use of FrontPage is a bit outdated, and even DreamWeaver isn't necessarily the application of choice for elearning materials. I suppose it depends what you want to do... and whether or not the materials have to interface with an LMS.

I expect the issues in practically implementing learning objects are similar to those of single-sourcing in my world. Although theoretically possible, you would need someone who fully understood the concept to implement it - if I'm working on a single-sourcing project, the granularity has to be such that a "chunk" makes sense in whatever context it is used, or the context is clearly defined when that is not possible.

In addition, once a traditional resource - a text book - has been published, the onus is on the user (or teacher) to ensure accuracy and to amend when necessary. As the article points out, many courses don't use a single text book in its entirety. Instead, teachers pick and choose, possibly because some bits are less relevant and possibly because some bits are out-of-date. The same is not possible with learning objects. Either the teacher identifying a problem has to notify those responsible - which puts a cost back on the provider, not the user - or takes a copy and changes it, defeating the object as there are not two copies, each slightly different.

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